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Statkraft manages significant Norwegian hydropower resources and is Norway's largest power generator and Europe’s largest producer of renewable energy. The company’s origins go back to 1895 and is today one of the country's largest groups. The headquarter is in Oslo, Norway.

Our Norwegian operations involve direct ownership i 123 hydropower plants with an installed capacity of 11,452 MW, seven wind power plants with an installed capacity of 662 MW and district heating plants in nine Norwegian cities with an installed capacity of 549 MW.

Statkraft’s ownership in other Norwegian regional power companies include the shareholdings in Skagerak Energi, Eviny and Å Energi. Statkraft also has a large share of long-term power contracts with industrial companies in Norway.

Statkraft has for more than 30 years been a significant market player in Nordic energy trading.

Statkraft is planning to invest up to six billion euros in upgrades to its Norwegian hydro and wind power facilities and construction of new onshore wind farms.

This investment program includes:

  • 1.8 – 3 billion euros in upgrades and transformations of Norwegian hydroelectric power plants.
  • 1.2 – 2 billion euros in rehabilitation of dams and modernization of older power plants.
  • Around 1 billion euros in renewal of existing and construction of new onshore wind farms.
  • 2,500 GWh or more wind power production (more than double the current production).
  • 1,500-2,500 MW increased capacity in hydroelectric power plants (over 20% increase in installed capacity).  

Many of Statkraft’s new business initiatives have originated and are being developed in Norway, including offshore wind, electric vehicle (EV) charging, data centre sites, green hydrogen and biofuel.

Office buildings with decorative turbine outside
Oslo, Norway
Photo: Karl H. Ystanes

Statkraft's main office is located at Lilleaker in Oslo

Key facts

  • Statkraft origins go back to 1895 in Norway
  • 123 hydropower plants with an installed capacity of 11,452 MW
  • Seven wind power plants with an installed capacity of 662 MW
  • 24 district heating plants with an installed capacity of 648 MW
  • NOK 1 billion invested annually within hydropower rehabilitation in Norway

Read more on the Norway country site

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Main office in Oslo
Statkraft AS

Lilleakerveien 6

P.O. Box 200, Lilleaker

NO-0216 Oslo

Find out more about our activities in Norway